The added value of football

A solution for all types of needs

In football, all kinds of problems an arise, from questions on how to generate income to how to improve training methodology, how to make a good tactical report of the opponent and how to solve recurring injuries of a player with a good bio-mechanical study. At Valor+ we provide answers to this, and much more.



Improve your club management through our club specific courses and services.



Encourage team building to improve your team's performance and results.



We have what you need to grow as a trainer; latest technology + training.

With the excitement of the first day,

Manel Delgado

National football coach, RFEF sports director, university football specialist UCJC of Madrid, speaker, activist for integration and equality in sport. Eternal apprentice.

” If you want to teach, you are condemned to learn. “

En la pizarra,

Manel Delgado

Entrenador nacional de fútbol, director deportivo RFEF, especialista universitario en fútbol UCJC de Madrid, ponente, activista de la integración y la igualdad en el deporte. Eterno aprendiz.

The services and products we recommend

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